A couple weeks ago, looking for photos of Mt. Rainier, I stumbled across some amazing photos of crevasses, ice formations, wind-swept landscapes, and steep slopes. I know I am more interested in mountaineering than most people reading this, and that I already posted about Mt. Rainier twice, but I'm going to be self-indulgent and post about Mt. Rainier again! Partially because I might climb Mt. Rainier someday, so I am even more interested in these photos than usual.
All photos here are from the area between Camp Muir, which is at 10,080 feet, and the summit of Mt. Rainier at 14,411 feet. Hope you enjoy them.
Due to needing to cite the sources for all the images, I'm going to organize the images by whose flickr account I'm taking them from...first up, cdine! The following images come from cdine's flickr photostream.
Here are some photos of hiking at high elevation. The photos remind me of skiing.
Here is the summit!
And here are some huge crevasses. Very dangerous!
I love the pictures above the clouds. Pretty good, cdine! Now it's simonov's turn. These are from simonov's flickr photostream. Simonov has lots of photos:
Here is a photo of the Ingraham Flats camp from above. Take a look at where the tents are positioned, right above a glacier that is tumbling down the mountain. It's like the tents are about to go down the mountain on a huge glacier slide.
Here is a photo from the top of "Disappointment Cleaver." Great name.
And here are some trails up the steep glaciers above 13,000 feet.
Thanks, simonov. Next up is leodirac! I'm only posting one photo from leodirac's flickr photostream, and here it is:
That's the trail, going right along the side of a crevasse. Very dangerous! That's why there's a fixed line to clip onto.
Next up is a picture from Walter Siegmund via the Wikimedia Commons, of the Emmons Flats camp. The Emmons Flats camp is yet another camp that looks like it's about to fall into a crevasse:
Finally, here are some photos from bigyahu's flickr photostream. This one might be my favorite:
I like this one a lot, but probably just because I love the color blue. I think this photo is from Camp Muir, where I hiked up to a couple weeks ago. In the distance, you can make out Mount Adams. If I look at this photo at full resolution, the loneliness of it is beautiful. I sort of imagine putting my skis on and taking off down the slope.
Camp Muir in the dark:
And finally, here's a photo of the place I ate lunch when I hiked to Camp Muir, but with a completely different character in the blue light:
For comparison, here I am at that location in the daytime:
One last photo from simonov, taken from lower down on the mountain.
Thanks for including my pics! (I'm cdine, or Ian)