Friday, October 21, 2011

Important Talus Announcements!

I have some important talus-related announcements this week.

First, the long-overdue announcement about pronunciation.  I had always considered myself somewhat of a talus expert, and yet it turns out that I'd been pronouncing the word wrong!  You probably have been, too.  The word is pronounced "TAIL-us."  Seriously.  Yes, it's weird.  I am still not used to it.

This is earth-shaking news in the world of Talus Slopes.  To help us cope with the sense that everything we knew is wrong, here is a photo that reminds us that life will go on, and so will talus.  This photo is talus from 1899!

Photo from the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library

Second, once again, I no longer blog for beer!  My fellow "iron blogger" has stepped out of the competition after raking up a debt of, I believe, 4 beers.  I need to cash in.

Would anyone else like to join into an iron blogger blog-for-beer pact?  Just let me know!  Remember, threatening me with owing you beers is an excellent way to keep high-quality Talus Slopes content coming to you every week or two!

From Dru!'s flickr photostream

Lastly, you should go check out my brother's blog.  Cole and his friend Simon have created a blog about adding tasty foods together in order to make gross foods.  It's called "If You Like A..." You suggest disgusting combinations, and they post a video of themselves making and eating said combinations.  Here is the first video they posted:

Check it out by clicking here!


  1. Interestingly, Merriam-Webster disagrees about the short-A pronunciation not being acceptable:

  2. I have heard something similar from somebody who studies geology. It's good to know! That means I don't have to go out of my way to pronounce it differently.
