Friday, July 29, 2011

Really Big Fish

As someone who doesn't eat a lot of seafood, I'm probably the last person to learn this.  I just learned, though, that tunafish can get really big:

I knew that sharks were big pointy fish, and there's that huge whale shark that is also a very large fish:

But those examples of fish are somehow less fishy than tunafish.  They look different, like they should be big fish, to the extent that when I once saw a very small shark, it surprised me enough that I wrote another blog post about how small sharks can get.  Tuna, on the other hand, are shaped like they should be tiny fish.  Apparently there exist fish that look sort of like small fish, except they're large enough that I probably wouldn't win a wrestling match with one, even without them being slimy.

Apparently they can swim 50 mph, and can be 15 feet long and over 1000 pounds.

Kind of cool.

Another notably large fish is the ocean sunfish, which looks weird regardless of angle:

(from the NOAA)

Even the baby ones look weird.

They start as weirdly pointy specks of fish, but can grow to 15 feet long and over 5000 pounds.  They are the largest bony fish.  (Well, historically, the Leedsichthys of the Jurassic period were bigger, growing up to 33 feet long.)

Anyway, remember what I have learned today.  Fish come in many sizes!

(from Glogster)

<*(((--<   Until next time.    <*(((--<

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